Friday, January 4, 2008

The Story of Stuff

This is our new chiminea. We got an "outdoor fireplace" for our fire pujas. We figured it'd be a little less stressful for our neighbors!

Today I wanted to share with you something Ani Yeshi hooked me up with. I don't normally pass this sort of thing along here, as the purpose of this blog is more directed towards technology both Dharma and the tools we use to try and study it in our western world. However, I found the video in this presentation so compelling I decided to post it here.

Truthfully, it is always important to try and be aware of our choices. However, it is sometimes easy to disregard karma because we don't see the results immediately. Hopefully if you take some time to watch this short video (can't embed so I'll give the link) it will influence how you perceive the world we live in.

Here's the link:

The Story of Stuff

May we never forget those with hopes of us!

1 comment:

KT said...

The Story of Stuff is incredible! Thanks! How did you find it? KT
P.S. Takes a long time to load the blog, but at least it didn't make Microsoft Explorer crash this time!