Thursday, January 24, 2008

Gratitude from JNT 23

After much hounding by our friend Dara, I have gotten digitizing our video library back into my cramped schedule. There are many videos, and very little time, but we'll keep working at it little by little until we're able to get a team and equipment together to get it moving along faster.

Here's a clip we posted on youtube from the most recently digitized video, JNT 23 The Attitude of Gratitude:

There's more so keep checking in! May we all truly take the teachings to heart and develop confidence that we can make a better world!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

What are the Steps to Enlightenment? 1999

Though I realize it may be challenging to watch a video here for 90 minutes, these teachings are profound and precious. It is our sincere hope that you will be able to take advantage of the wisdom conveyed in this videos!

Here is a teaching from 1999 where Jetsunma discusses the importance of understanding what is really happening in the world, understanding not only our own suffering but the suffering all around us. This awareness of the reality of suffering can awaken us to a compassion that is the very basis of the path to enlightenment. She speaks as an American Woman to the minds of her mostly western students, with examples and in a language easily understood even for those who are not students of Buddhism.

It is our constant goal to create a site that makes engaging in this path easy for all who wish to explore it. Your feedback is invited!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


We're expecting snow here today, so I thought I'd post a short video shot last February when there was snow on the ground.

Lama Zoppa Rinpoche says in his book on the Immeasurable Benefits of Stupas that the blessings of seeing a Stupa are so indestructible that even to see one with and angry mind plants the seeds to see 10,000 Buddhas in the future! So for those of us whose minds aren't always pristine, these amazing appearances of the Enlightened Mind in form are an inconceivable blessing!

As I know many may not have one handy in their neighborhood, here's the circumambulation of one of ours here in Maryland, always available to you now:

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ustream TV

For those of you who don't know, we are utilizing a free service called for our webcasting.

They offer a networking like set up with the ability to archive shows, leave comments and that sort of thing. So if you want to see the archived shows all collected together you can visit our channel on ustream by clicking below:

Let us know what you think! It's all a work in progress and we're doing it for you!

Friday, January 4, 2008

The Story of Stuff

This is our new chiminea. We got an "outdoor fireplace" for our fire pujas. We figured it'd be a little less stressful for our neighbors!

Today I wanted to share with you something Ani Yeshi hooked me up with. I don't normally pass this sort of thing along here, as the purpose of this blog is more directed towards technology both Dharma and the tools we use to try and study it in our western world. However, I found the video in this presentation so compelling I decided to post it here.

Truthfully, it is always important to try and be aware of our choices. However, it is sometimes easy to disregard karma because we don't see the results immediately. Hopefully if you take some time to watch this short video (can't embed so I'll give the link) it will influence how you perceive the world we live in.

Here's the link:

The Story of Stuff

May we never forget those with hopes of us!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Auspicious Wishes for the New Year!

Here we are at the marker of a new year. Here's hoping yours is full of auspicious conditions and awakening!

Here's a look at what we do at Kunzang Palyul Choling for New Years!

May we all set our aspirations to benefit countless beings without paritiality!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Taking Your Heart Into the World

Here is the teaching from Sunday. Jetsunma talks about how to make a difference in the world by practicing compassion in your daily life.